Freedom From Fear

Will you support Rethink Ireland and the National Women's Council to create a Freedom From Fear Fund?

The Freedom From Fund aims to support education projects working to address the deep-rooted cultural causes of gender-based violence, while also supporting victims/survivors of violence and their families through innovative service provision.

The stark reality of gender-based violence is that so many live in fear.

  • Since 1996, 245 women have died violently in Ireland.
  • 1 in 4 women in Ireland are in abusive relationships.
  • 800 women were turned away from refuges in 2021.
  • Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic rates of domestic violence and abuse increased.

Together we can create a safer society for all. 


Take Action

We are calling on businesses and philanthropists to help support this vital fund.

Our initial fundraising target is €100,000 to get this fund off the ground.

Donate now or get in touch with