Impact Fund for Munster

Munster calls for your support.

Answer the call by contacting us at

The Impact Fund for Munster is a one-year fund set up in partnership with the Parkes Family Limerick, Sunflower Foundation, Community Foundation, a number of private donors from the region and backed by the Department of Rural and Community Development via the Dormant Accounts Fund, supporting not-for-profit organisations that work to develop healthier communities across Munster.  The Fund will invest in innovative projects working to promote physical and mental well-being for all, at all ages.

Through the Impact Fund for Munster, up to 10 projects will receive cash grants, a tailored non-financial supports package, performance management, and a place on an accelerator programme aimed at boosting their impact. 

We are calling on families, individuals and businesses who are passionate about social change and equalising access to healthcare to get involved with our Impact Fund for Munster – because Munster is in need of your support.

Why invest in Health?

The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly worsened the incidence of depression and anxiety. In order to support communities to recover from the effects of the pandemic and lockdowns, it is imperative to invest in health and mental health services to reduce the negative effects of the last 2 years, as well as to introduce preventative measures to ensure better outcomes for future generations.

Why invest in Munster?

Across Munster, there are many people living with poor physical and mental health.

The counties of Cork and Kerry have suicide rates above the national average. Limerick has above average mortality rates for all four major causes of death (heart disease & stroke; cancer; respiratory disease; injury & poisoning). Counties Clare and Waterford have the highest national rates of female breast cancer and male lung cancer respectively.

We know that there are organisations in the region who are making a big impact on a small scale, some of whom may not be eligible for national funding. We want to support these change-makers who are improving the lives of people across Munster to ensure that more people can access the facilities needed to help them live healthier, happier lives.

Why invest in Rethink Ireland?

Health has been part of Rethink Ireland’s core focus since we began. With the support of our generous donors and the Government of Ireland, we have invested €15.5 million in health since 2016, supporting 83 innovations in this area and helping us to reach at least 95,000 people.

Our support means that more organisations can carry out vital treatment and prevention work in communities across the country. It also means that more people can develop and maintain good mental health practices and, ultimately, more lives are saved as a result of funding essential, innovative health programmes.

Get in touch

If you are interested in becoming part of the Impact Fund for Munster, reach out to us on to find out more and arrange a confidential discussion.

Everyone can play a part in creating real change for the future of health in Munster communities.