If you’re interested in applying for funding, you’ll have questions. You’ll find the answers to the most frequent ones we get here.

We’ve read through 1601 fund applications and awarded funding to over 131 successful applicants. Some of the same questions keep coming up in relation to the awarding process, so we’ve gathered all of the answers together in this resource.

If you do not see the question you want to ask or the answer you are looking for here, please get in touch with us at hello@rethink.reddog.ie and we will be happy to help.

How many awards will be made?

The number of awards usually depends on the quality of applicants.

What can we spend our cash grant on?

You must spend any funds given on the project that won the award. The specific use of the funds will be agreed between you and Rethink Ireland.

Who will decide who wins the awards?

Final decisions will be made by the Board of Rethink Ireland.

How do we find out where we are in the selection process?

You will be informed by telephone or email about the outcome of the selection process.

Can I apply for funding with Rethink Ireland?

You are welcome to apply to any of our funds if you meet all of the criteria outlined. 

We do not accept applications from the following projects:

  • Projects seeking funds for scholarships
  • Projects seeking funding for capital items, e.g., buildings or vans 
  • Research projects
  • Party political projects
  • Projects that do not provide a benefit to people or the environment, e.g., projects that benefit animals only 
  • Projects that discriminate beneficiaries on their faith or religious denomination
  • Projects where the main impact is outside the Republic of Ireland
  • Projects that are an idea in principle only and have not yet started

We also do not accept applications from the following applicants or organisations:

  • Applicants under 18 years old
  • Rethink Ireland staff, directors and their immediate family members*
  • Organisations that do not have a non-profit legal form, e.g., a company limited by guarantee, school or charity 
  • For-profit organisations 

* Immediate family member includes sibling, parent, spouse or civil partner, or child

Can previous or current Rethink Ireland Awardees apply?

Previous Rethink Ireland awardees can apply but must note that:

  • The same project cannot take part in two Accelerator programmes at once.
  • Previous projects who have already taken part in an Accelerator programme must be able to demonstrate how another programme will add value to them.
  • Previous awardees must have spent their full grant before we can consider any further applications.