We welcome complaints.
They help us to improve what
we do and how we do it.
We are committed to providing high standards of service and welcome suggestions and feedback from all stakeholders. If you think our service could improve or that our standards are lacking somewhere, please bring it to our attention. We take all feedback seriously and will take action when we believe it is the right thing to do. All complaints will be dealt with in a timely and professional manner. If you have a complaint, here is what you should do:
- Address your complaint to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who will try to resolve the issue informally.
- If the issue is serious, or you are not satisfied after raising it with the CEO, you should make a formal complaint.
- Your complaint should be made in writing, marked “Private & Confidential” and sent to the CEO who will acknowledge it in writing (normally within 7 days of receipt). Please remember to keep a copy of your letter.
- The CEO will – in consultation with the Chair of the Board (or the Chair of the Grant Making committee) – investigate the complaint.
- The CEO will communicate the results of the investigation to you within a reasonable time – this is usually 30 days.
- You have the right – if you’re not happy with the results of the inquiry – to put your case in writing, or in person, to a panel of at least two Board members from Rethink Ireland. If attending in person, you have the right to be accompanied by a friend or advocate to help put your case forward. The panel also has the right to have an advisor present. We will not be liable for any expenses you might incur.
- The decision of the panel will be final and there is no appeals process.
- Where it’s right to do so, Rethink Ireland will make a written apology to the complainant, and agree on any further action necessary.
- All formal complaints and responses will be recorded and filed in a secure place.
- The CEO will inform the Board at the first available meeting of any formal complaints and their outcome. The Board will consider the implications for the planning and management of future services.
* If a complaint relates to the CEO, read “Chair of the Board of Directors” for “CEO”.